Get ready to dive into an exhilarating night of music and vibrant energy at the Neon Crabby Dance!
General Information & House Rules
Dance on the M4 level of the Marqui
No bags (of any size) will be allowed in the room during dance hours
No large costume props allowed
Bag check will NOT be provided
Must have a valid Otakon badge to enter
No bottles will be allowed
No commercial grade photography or videographer equipment
Location: Marriott Marquis, on the M4 level
Approximate Time: Saturday night 9:00 PM until 1:30 AM
Bag Policy
There is NO bag check available.
No bags will be admitted.
Otakon Staff will not hold, watch or in any way assume responsibility for member bags left outside, beside, or near the entrance to the Dance.
Note. This policy is to ensure member safety and prevent sale or distribution of prohibited substances.
Additional Rules
Attendees must display their badge at all times within the dance.
No glow sticks on strings (to avoid potential injury)
No excessive public displays of affection
If you are under the influence of ANY substances, you will be asked to leave.
No fighting.
Otakon Staff have a right of absolute refusal
Privacy Policy
Otakorp, Inc.'s privacy policy is simple: whatever information you provide us, we won't sell to anyone else. And we promise to use it only for Otakorp, Inc. related events such as Otakon. Fair enough?