Kpop Showtime Competition

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Calling all buskers! Do you dash to social media to show off in choreography challenges? Are you always ready to participate in a random play dance? Have you dreamed of showing your skills? Get prepared as we’re proud to announce Kpop Showtime: Otakon’s Kpop Dance Competition! 

Compete as teams or soloists with your best kpop dance covers to be this year’s winners as crowned by our special judges.


Kpop Showtime: OTAKON Kpop Dance Competition Logistics/Rules

OTAKON is excited to host their kpop dance competition this year. Please fully read through these rules. These rules are so that everyone can enjoy the event and compete safely.

About the Competition: This will be a competition of 10 teams/soloists competing to win the title of OTAKON’s Top Kpop Dance Coverist along with some awesome prizes. Each team will be judged on the following criteria by our judges: Creativity/Costuming, Cleanliness/Execution, Musicality/Choreography, and Crowd Response.

Individual Requirements: Each competitor must be at least above the age of 12 to be allowed to compete. Individuals under the age of 16 are required to be accompanied by an adult during the competition. Competitors must have their own badges, OTAKON will not be supplying badges to competitors. 

Team Size: Each team size is maxed out at 6 members. Large teams are allowed to split up into smaller units to apply to compete, however, there is no guarantee both teams will be accepted. No one member can compete in multiple accepted teams. IE: If team A & B are both accepted, each team must have separate coverists in the group. Soloists cannot also compete both as a soloist and as a performing member of another accepted team. IE: You can represent a group (ie Kai is a member of EXO) but cannot also then compete with that team as another entry (Kai is a soloist so he cannot perform also with EXO). 

Songs/Mixes: You are allowed to perform up 4 songs in a singular performance. Performance length is between 2:00 minutes and 4:00 minutes. Anything longer than 4 minutes must be cut. No bleed overs allowed. Skits are allowed!
SONGS CANNOT INCLUDE PROFANITY. This is in both English or Korean. Profanity must be either cut out or bleep’d out. There are no songs that are outright banned, but please note variety is better! Multiple teams cannot perform the same songs fully and will be asked to choose their back up song if necessary.

Prohibited items: The following items are BANNED for safety reasons: Stiletto High Heels (Other heels are ok), Glitter/Confetti, Items thrown into the audience, jumping off stage, inappropriate outfits. 

Props: Props are ok as long as they are preapproved. Competitors are responsible for bringing their own props and carrying on/off the props off stage. Otakon is not responsible for damaged items.

Audio: Audio will be required to be turned in before the competition via google drive submission. Music needs to be turned in via mp4 format. Otakon is not liable to accept music submissions day of.

Kpop Showtime Competition

Open: April 29, 2024, noon - June 16, 2024, noon

Kpop Showtime Competition