General Policies

Stay Safe

It is very important that you read and understand these policies; they will be posted at the convention as well.  Anyone who attends Otakon is expected to follow these rules.

All Otakorp members attending Otakon are expected to follow the Code of Conduct laid out by Otakorp.  The Otakorp Code of Conduct can be found at the following link.

Otakorp Code of Conduct

Your membership in Otakorp, Inc. entitles you to enjoy the primary benefit of that membership: you get to attend Otakon! But as the man said, with great power comes great responsibility.

We work very hard to ensure that Otakon takes place in a safe and family-friendly environment, and we need your cooperation. We have policies to address specifics such as weapons and lost children. We also have a general policy that we do not tolerate disruptive behavior or harassment of any sort, and we can and will take action when we see something we feel is dangerous or disruptive. The type of action we take may range from a quiet but stern word in private to forcible ejection from the convention, revocation of your membership in Otakorp, Inc., or even criminal charges. (Action taken is solely at the discretion of Otakorp, Inc.)

The sorts of things that may trigger such action include but are not limited to: fighting (fake or real), heckling, impeding traffic flow, offensive behavior, harassment, failure to observe basic hygiene, public inebriation/intoxication, or any other failure to follow the rules and directions of staff members. Remember, anything illegal outside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center is illegal inside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center! If your behavior is clearly problematic, we will deal with it as such. Show common courtesy to your fellow otaku and follow the rules, so there's no problems.

Masks are not required at Otakon, but we encourage members to wear masks if it makes them more comfortable attending the convention.

Simply put, Otakon is a smoke-free event, within a smoke-free facility. Since the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, does not permit cigarettes or tobacco products, Otakon can not allow them either. Please remember that we are a family-oriented event, and want to make sure to not only appeal to but respect all of our attendees, and know that there are no designated smoking areas inside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. If you are really feeling the need for a smoke, feel free to step outside and respect a distance of at least 25 feet or greater from the entries. Attendees caught smoking are in violation of this policy and may be ejected from the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

Regading E-Cigarettes: This policy also applies to electronic cigarettes or any alternative smoking product, they are not permitted and are considered the same as cigarettes by the convention center.

With so many people attending, waits in lines may last hours. We know that this is frustrating, but it is unavoidable. Please don't take it out on other attendees or on the staff, and please remember that following the directions of staff members will make the lines smoother for everyone!

When lining up, be sure to check for Otakon Staff holding "Line Starts Here" and/or "Line Ends Here" indicators. We can't promise to have them up for every event, but please be mindful of them to get you in faster!

NOTE: Members caught jumping in line will be sent to the rear of the line. You will not be allowed to hold places in line. Lines cannot block entrances or exits, so leave a gap in front of the doors as per fire codes

Please be respectful of everyone at Otakon, and confirm with attendees before you photograph or video them.

The usage of photographic devices is prohibited within certain areas of the convention, including but not limited to video and 35mm theaters, within Main Events and/or concerts, and in the Art Show. All such areas will be marked, so please pay attention.

  • Prohibited devices include, but are not limited to, cameras (both film and digital), camera phones, and camcorders
  • Photography within the Artists Alley is only allowed at the discretion of the individual artist. Permission must be obtained from the artist for photography of any kind.

Events that allow photography will be marked as such.

Otakon staff is aware that everyone loves the amount of cosplay photography and videos that come from Otakon, and this policy is here to help make Otakon safe and keep traffic free flowing. Otakon staff may ask photographers and subjects to relocate less crowded locations for taking photos as needed to accommodate traffic flow and other safety reasons.

The photography policy applies to any public location used during the Otakon event. This includes the Marriott Marquis, The Walter E. Washington Convention Center (WEWCC), and the public spaces immediately outside of the locations. When in doubt please feel to ask an Otakon Staff member about a particular location. There is NO photography in any video room, and other programming events may limit photography as needed. Signs will be up at the entrance of each event to inform you of any photography limitations.

Otakon attendees may take photos and video within the Otakon locations using handheld equipment only. Equipment cannot extend greater than a 16-inch radius around or above the photographer or subject. There is no freestanding equipment allowed, which includes lighting with light stands, ladders, backdrops, signs, running cables/wires, etc. Photographers, subjects, and/or equipment cannot block any public area or impede the flow of traffic, including the staircases around the event. Photographers cannot use any power receptacles within the locations to run lighting or other photography equipment.

This policy is a change from the past because we are moving to a new venue and as we learn more about operating in the new venues we will review and revise this document as needed. 

Note: Otakon's guests have the right to maintain their privacy. Convention members may be asked to refrain from photographing guests if the guests would prefer to not have their picture taken. Guests have been known to join con-goers for photo opportunities, but there are no guarantees.

Otakon is a fun family event, but also one of the largest east coast Japanese animation conventions; there is an expected attendance of at least 30,000 people. As a result, Otakon wants to ensure the satisfaction and safety of all of our members, especially children. In order to safeguard the well being of our youngest attendees, Otakon has put these policies into effect and offers some advice to keep track of children at any large convention.

A parent or guardian must accompany any and all children age 12 and under at all times.

Children are required to carry some form of written identification and parent/guardian contact information with them at all times so that Otakon staff may contact the parents or guardians should the need arise.


  • First and foremost, please do not leave your child unattended at Otakon. As mentioned before, we are expecting an attendance of over 30,000 people at the convention. It's easy for a young child to get lost in a crowd this large.
  • Make sure your child knows important information, such as your name, what you are wearing, what hotel you are staying at (if any), a cellular phone number, and a home phone number. If a child is lost, we will make every attempt to contact you via this information.
  • It is a good idea to set up meeting places and times for children older than 12. Otakon suggests that you do not use the following locations as meeting areas: the Dealer's Room, as it is constantly crowded and extremely large; video theaters because they are dark and also fairly large. We do suggest using landmarks. Also encouraged is to locate and meet at any of the Otakon Information Desks.

In the case that you cannot find your child at your designated meeting place and cannot establish contact, please notify an Otakon Information Desk.

Otakon wishes you and your children a safe and happy convention!

Members of the Otakon convention are required to follow the Service Animal policies of our venue, the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

Please see their Venue FAQs page for their current policy on Service Animals.

  • Only Otakon members will be allowed into the dance. Valid Otakon Membership badges for the current year must be clearly displayed at all times within the dance area.
  • Otakon is not responsible for members' bags. This includes but is not limited to outside, beside, or near the entrance to the dance.
  • No bags (of any size) will be allowed in during dance hours. A bag check will be located outside.
  • Empty plastic bottles will be allowed into the dance. Any other container types will not be allowed.
  • No large costume props allowed.
  • No commercial grade photography or videographer equipment is allowed.
  • Please be considerate of the other dancers…
  • ...and REMEMBER, drink plenty of water!

NOTE: All other Otakon policies are enforced in the dance, such as disruptive behavior and swinging items attached to rope/string/chains/etc.

There are certain events at Otakon that are designated as 18+. Members who wish to attend these events must be at least 18 years old and MUST obtain a wristband from the wristband booth prior to the event. Please have your identification ready when obtaining your wristband.

Otakon Staff will not be able to check identification at the door.

At the recommendation of the venue, Otakon will require bag inspections upon entering the convention space at the Mt Vernon Place doors of the Walter E Washington Convention Center and the M1 level of the Marriott Marquis. We apologize for any inconvenience or disruption this may cause. The bag inspections will be conducted by a third party contractor, and we are working with them to streamline the process as much as possible.  There will also be prop inspections at those locations. 

The bag inspections will be a quick look for dangerous items such as weapons. You can help by keeping your bag organized and accessible.  They will not be searching for food or drinks (though please remember that the consumption of alcohol at Otakon is discouraged).  A short list of prohibited items can be found on this page under “Weapons at Otakon”. Also, please remember that if it is illegal in DC, it is illegal at Otakon. 

If you have any questions about the new procedures, you can contact our Access Control team through our Contact Us page.

While we understand the appeal of signs as ice-breakers and conversation starters, there have been too many complaints from other members about offensive content or signs that amount to little more than panhandling.

No signs are permitted except for those signs that are an established part of a costume.

(i.e. the sign must be part of the standard "look" of the character, such as the sign carried by Genma the Panda from Ranma 1/2)

Those members wishing to post notices or find other people should use the bulletin boards provided. Please note that, signs asking for food, money, hugs, etc. are considered panhandling and signs offering to exchange any sort of sexual favor (kisses, hugs, glomps, etc.) are considered solicitation.

Signs with offensive content are not allowed regardless of whether they are "in character."

Signs in violation of this policy will be confiscated. Repeat offenders will be considered in violation of the disruptive behavior policy.

Please note that this policy applies to all types of signs, regardless of construction. Otakon staff decisions regarding signs are final.

Weapons policies at Otakon are for your (and others') safety, and include (but are not limited to) the following:

Non-Permitted Weapons

  • NO METAL WEAPONS will be permitted on the premises of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, without exception. This is defined as:
    • Swords, spears, bayonets, and knives (regardless of whether they are sheathed)
    • Star knives and shuriken
    • Metal gun/firearm props (regardless of functionality).
    • Other components (metal or non-metal) of costumes or props which may be sharp, capable of taking an edge, or are otherwise potentially a safety risk, are subject to approval by Otakon Staff.
    • The ONLY exception to this rule is that metal armor (chain, scale, plate) is now permitted, pending it contains no sharp edges. All armor is subject to inspection at-con to ensure it is not sharp or otherwise pose a safety risk/hazard.
  • NO PROJECTILE WEAPONS OF ANY KIND will be permitted. Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Real or antique firearms (to include replica or “demilled”)
    • Air rifle, air gun, air pistol, B-B gun, spring gun, blowgun, bowgun, bean shooter, sling, projectile, dart.
    • Airsoft (or similar type) guns, regardless of whether functional or not, are strictly prohibited. A non-functional Airsoft gun with no moving parts is still an Airsoft gun.
    • Stun guns and Tasers
    • The ONLY exceptions to this rule are: nonfunctional nerf and water guns (that cannot fire and contain no projectiles/liquid). Functional versions of these will be immediately removed from the convention space.
  • NO COMPOUND BOWS are permitted within the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.
    • Additionally, authentic arrows (tipped or non-tipped), including crossbow bolts and other projectiles, will not be permitted.
  • NO "PADDLES" of any sort will be permitted at the convention.
    • This includes, but is not limited to, Yaoi/Yuri Paddles.
  • NO NUNCHAKU of any kind will be permitted.
    • Nunchaku are defined as two sticks or other body connected at their ends with a short chain or rope. Two sticks can be made of any material, or shape.
  • NO EXPLOSIVES or CHEMICALS of any kind including, but not limited to:
    • smoke powder, sparklers, or fireworks of any kind.
  • Finally, if it is illegal in the limits of the District of Columbia, it is illegal inside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

Illegal weapons will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

Permitted Prop Weapons

  • Staves, bo sticks, boken, shinai, and wooden swords will be permitted as long as they are handled responsibly and meet all other criteria.
  • Resin cast or solid rubber model guns (such as red/blue training weapons) that are easily identifiable as toys/props, or are clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip.
  • Fake, prop, or made-up weapons (i.e. made of tissue paper, plaster of Paris, cloth) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to others around you.
    • Examples of dangerous conditions include, but are not limited to, items that may trip others, items that can snag on people or surroundings, items that obstruct doors and hallways.
  • Prop weapons shall be limited to less than six feet six inches (6'6") in height and less than fifty pounds (50lbs) in weight.
  • Any chain must be less than three feet (3') in length regardless of material. This includes, but is not limited to, chain wallets and non-costume chains.
  • Bows may be carried in the convention space, provided they are NOT strung with authentic bowstring, and any alternative material used (e.g. twine, yarn, any other non-functioning material) is not attached to the bow in a taut (tight) fashion.
    • All bows must comply with all other general policies - no live steel or sharp edges, and not more than 6'6" in height. Prop or toy arrows clearly marked as such are allowed. If our staff feels your bow or materials do not meet all of these criteria, you'll be asked to remove the prop immediately from the convention space.

Behavior with Weapons/Armor/Props

  • Misuse of a weapon, armor, or prop (such as swinging it in a public area or posing a hazard to others, as determined by staff) will result in the weapon or prop being deemed unsafe for the convention, and you will be asked to remove the item from the convention center.
  • All edged or other non-permitted weapons purchased in the dealer's room will be held in a secure room until the purchaser is ready to leave the convention center. At such time, they will go to the specified room to retrieve their weapon. Attendee may be required to provide a photo ID, and will be required to immediately exit the WCC after retrieval.
  • All props and weapons brought into the convention will be inspected for policy compliance by authorized Otakon staff and/or DC Metropolitan Police, including those that may have had prior approval (other conventions, previous conventions, or pre-convention approval by Otakon staff).
  • Any item that poses a potential safety hazard may need to be removed from the convention.
    • This includes any costume, prop, or accessory that obstructs doors or hallways, or otherwise poses any kind of danger to other attendees, staff, or convention center property.
    • When in doubt, check with Otakon staff.
  • Wheeled vehicles, carts, props, shoes & skates are not permitted inside the WEWCC. The only exception is for wheelchairs and other ADA compliant mobility devices.
  • The use of drones and RC aircraft are not permitted inside the WEWCC.

Remember: Just because a staffer has not stopped you to check your item does not mean that the item is allowed. All decisions made by Otakon and/or the Public Safety Staff of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center are final.

This policy is subject to change at anytime.

Local and international guests are a major highlight of a convention, for many attendees this ranges from an amazing autograph souvenir to a rare opportunity to meet someone they greatly admire. As the demand for the time and attention of guests is always high we strive to do the best within our power to accommodate the experiences of both the guests and attendees.

In an attempt to optimize the flow we have drafted some policies to try and meet everyone’s expectations. This is also to keep everyone’s best interests in terms of time and well-being accounted for in order to have an amazing convention.

Official Autograph Policies:

  • Otakon does not and cannot guarantee that you will receive an autograph from any particular guest.
  • Otakon staff have the right to refuse access or remove attendees who refuse to follow the rules and directions communicated by these policies or verbally.
  • Be respectful and considerate of staff, guests, and attendees.

Otakon staff reserve the right to make changes to guests' policies as circumstances dictate and will be considered the final ruling. We will make all possible efforts to communicate these changes in advance, but it is not always possible. Otakon’s official social media outlets are the fastest way to find out about last-minute changes.

    • Otakon's official autograph sessions, located in the autographs area, are free of charge to any attendee (exceptions to this is any merchandise being sold by the guest which will be conveyed in advance in-person).
      • There will be Guests at their individual tables (primarily adjacent to the Autographs area) or at industry booths, these are both located within the exhibition hall but not counted in the Autographs area of the hall. Please see the section below for more information.
    • Guests participating in official Otakon autograph sessions will sign one item per person during their scheduled sessions, unless otherwise stated by signage or conveyed by the Otakon autographs staffer in charge.
      • Guests will sign your Otakon program book, or any official licensed merchandise for which they are credited.
      • Guests will not sign bootleg items, unlicensed merchandise, or material for which they are not properly credited.
      • Guests may choose to sign handmade or personal items at their sole discretion.
      • If you are uncertain about a particular item, check with the Autograph staff in charge of the session. Otakon staff may reject any item deemed unsuitable for signing at their discretion and such decisions are final. (We recommend attendees prepare an alternative item for an autograph incase of rejection [ie: Otakon Program Book] )
    • There will be no photography during official signing sessions, unless otherwise noted.
    • Guests may allow certain rules at their discretion that does not abide by or is more flexible than official Otakon Autographs policies. Such allowances will be conveyed via signage or verbally by staff in charge. If such allowances are made, please respect all rules put forth by the Guest.
    • The following rules and etiquette will be enforced during official autograph sessions:
      • Please keep guest interactions brief as your fellow attendees are patiently waiting as well for an autograph/interaction.
      • Do not request excessive personalization, sketches, etc. unless the guest offers.
      • Please prepare any personal items to the spot for signature for the guest to sign before reaching the guests autograph table. (ie: Having a game opened to the CD or cover art)
      • Some guests require personalization (your name) to be included with the autograph, if so, autographs staff will provide a note for you to write out your name. Please write legibly and in capital letters.
    • Guests may have individual booth space in the dealer hall or appear at industry booths to promote their work.
    • Appearances in industry/individual booths are not managed or scheduled by Otakon, and are not subject to Otakon’s official autograph session rules.
    • These autographs generally require a payment or purchase of promoted material. Otakon has no control over prices or conditions in these sessions.
    • For pricing and other related questions, check with whomever is managing the appearance (usually industry or the guest themself). Otakon staff do not manage these events and may not have the answers.

How Our Official Otakon Autograph Sessions Work:

  • Queues for autograph sessions will open 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
    • Attendees who show up more than 30 minutes before the start time WILL NOT be allowed to wait, and will be dispersed.
    • Under no circumstances will attendees be allowed to crowd the area — it is considered a fire hazard and can result in the authorities taking action that may include shutting down the event.
  • Once the official line and any overflow space fills up, Otakon Staff reserves the right to cutoff or end the autograph line based on the guest’s availability. There is a chance the line will be available again, but this is not guaranteed.
  • In rare cases, guests may provide tickets or vouchers during their panels or as part of other Otakon promotions. If you receive one, present it to the Otakon staffer managing that autograph session. It should not be assumed that any such passes will be available. If your priority is to get an autograph, it is advised to line up in the appropriate autographs line.
  • It is occasionally necessary for us to reschedule an autograph session. Any changes will be communicated as soon as possible, via the schedule app and various social media, and on physical signs when possible.


    • Otakon Autographs will utilize a proxy system for any members with accessibility needs. Members should line up per normal in the autographs line and then flag a Autographs Department Staff to utilize the proxy system. Being in line will hold that spot for you by your proxy. To be fair, Accessibility stickers will not provide any preferential treatment to bypass a line.
    • Proxy System: A companion or a willing Attendee Member will hold the place of a member with accessibility. Autographs Staff will provide the companion or Member with a proxy item to indicate the placement where the member with accessibility should be. The Autographs staff will then escort the accessibility member to a seated area where said member are able to wait for their proxy to move up in line. Upon completion of the line, the proxy item is to be returned to the Autographs Department Staff.

Notes and Gifts for Guests

If you intend on bringing something special for a guest, such as a personal note or small gift, we ask that you follow certain guidelines for practical and safety reasons. Most guests appreciate these small gestures, but many gifts cannot be accepted.

  • Please ensure that you provide the name of the guest, as well as your own name and contact information, either written on the outside of the message or attached clearly to the outside of the gift.
  • Please do not wrap your gift using tape or tie it using ribbon; however, a gift bag or simple tissue paper cover is acceptable. (We must be able to screen all gifts.)
  • Avoid anything large, bulky or easily damaged. Most guests fly quite a distance to appear at Otakon and may have limited space in their luggage. Any gifts you bring should be small, durable, and easily packed.
  • No food or drink items will be accepted.
  • If you have an item to present as a gift at any guest appearance, please bring it first to the Otakon staff member in charge of the appearance.
  • DO NOT use Q&A/Panel time to present your gift to the guest; this is extremely rude and unfair to the other people who came to hear the guest speak.
  • DO NOT use autograph time to present your gift without first clearing it with the staff member in charge, as this may deny others the opportunity to get to meet the guest.
  • You may be asked to wait until the end of the session, or the staffer may accept the gift in order to present it to the guest on your behalf. (Rest assured, your gift will be given to the guest on your behalf — that's why we request your contact information on every gift.)

Tips for Interacting With Guests:

  1. If you're going to ask a question, write it down first. It's easy to become flustered if you're not used to public speaking or if you're about to talk to someone you really admire. Writing down what you want to say helps you to organize your thoughts so you don't waste everyone's time or embarrass yourself.
  2. Every guest at the con is someone who has a cool job that they're quite good at. It isn't necessary to worship the ground they walk on — just be friendly and polite.
  3. Remember that guests get tired, too, and they're entitled to downtime. If you encounter a guest outside the con, try to make eye contact before you approach them, and look for a signal that it's okay to chat. Please don't interrupt meals or private conversations.
  4. Try to avoid asking questions that the guest has answered a hundred times. And if you come late to a panel, find out whether a question has already been answered before you waste everyone's time. Don't ask questions that are answered in the guest's bio, homepage, or Wikipedia entry.


  • Write down whatever it is you want to say.

  • Be BRIEF. (see note #1)

  • Tell them you like their work, and why. (BRIEFLY)

  • Ask interesting questions about past, current, and upcoming projects.

  • Ask open-ended questions.

  • Ask about favorite hobbies, shared interests, etc.



  • Ask them questions that are answered in their Wikipedia entry or Otakon bio.

  • Ask questions that can be answered with a Yes or No.

  • Ask for hugs, kisses, or their hand in marriage.

  • Ask for autographs or other favors.

  • Waste everyone's time.

  • Ask deeply personal or invasive question.


While this is not officially policy, many points covered above are addressed in a more detailed manner here, specific to cosplay.

...and now:

A word about Cosplay Safety (For a better Convention Experience!) -By Jez Roth

Cosplaying is fun, exciting, and a hobby that brings unique challenges in construction and execution. But what comes with creating and donning that unique design is a responsibility to yourself and your fellow con-goers. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind to ensure a successful convention experience:

You owe it to yourself to make sure that your costume is manageable for your own safety. This entails that not only is your vision, mobility, and range of motion is adequate to get around but also your ability to show your badge upon request, and communicate well with your surroundings. If you are wearing a costume that jeopardizes any of the things above, consider having a handler – that is a friend who will make sure that you are not going to pieces, (figuratively or literally), and that you have an extra set of hands and eyes.

Your ability to move in a flowing gown, cloak, cape, or anything with fabric that trails is very important. To get a feel for it, try vacuuming a room with it on. You'll learn not only to avoid stepping on the excess fabric, but how to avoid having a tripping hazard for anyone else around you. If you have a particularly long train, consider putting handles or hidden loops on the inside of the hem so you can easily carry it on the go. Remember that conventions are pure excitement and not everyone is going to be paying attention when they are walking close to you – you may have the occasional treading so keep an eye on your surroundings.

Cosplaying from something like Jet Set Radio with rollerblades may seem great in photos and at home, but at a convention center with large crowds, multiple floor surfaces, and escalators, this is not the place for anything that does not allow you to be 100% securely stationary on two feet.

The escalator is not the place for wings, mechas, costumes with stilts, or large costumes. If you have a bulky costume think about your surroundings. Do not block and cause areas to "bottleneck." Stay away from the dealer's room, confined areas, or areas with a lot of people. If you need to, bring part of the costume to the convention center and get dressed there.

If you have a headpiece that is pressing down on your head or a wig that is a little tight, keep in mind that this pressure may not be too bad for half an hour at home, but when you are at the convention center for several hours, sweating, and posing your head may start to really hurt, resulting in a headache for the rest of the day. Fit your headpiece and wigs loose enough to be comfortable but tight enough to be secure.

If you are doing a skit in the Masquerade with choreography or falls, or see yourself doing crazy photoshoots, consider taking an extra step to secure pieces so they stay – this means chin straps, elastic, extra straps or buttons.

Take the extra couple of hours and put hooks and eyes, snaps, and the proper closures into the costume. Safety pin are a quick fix but they can easily pop with movement and stab you. You also owe it to everyone else to makes sure that your costume is not a threat to the attendees, staff, or convention itself! There should be no sharp edges on your costume that are potentially dangerous – this goes with plastic, metal, or fiberglass. Splinters or sharp edges are prohibited and are dangerous to everyone – including yourself! Sanding equipment is very important to finish those sharp edges to dull. Blunt edges that stick out, such as blunt/prop swords, weapons, bokken, or projectiles that stick out from your costume must be considered as walking into someone may injure them and you will be at fault. Remember that at no time is live steel or sharp metal allowed into the convention center.

Costumes with heavy makeup (such as Homestuck), are allowed but must be sprayed down with a make-up fixative. This not only prevents the make-up from rubbing off and staining others and their costumes, but prevents damaging the convention center as well. Also, making the proper choice of make-up (proper make-up that is non-toxic, is designed to bend and flex with your skin, and blends well) applied is very important. Remember that facial makeup is oftentimes different from body makeup and remember to leave proper spaces on your skin open as you are essentially "sealing" off your body and this may lead to deleterious effects. Your skin needs to breathe and sweat – you do not want to have paramedics wiping the make-up off your skin so they can re-hydrate you.

Makeup and contacts ordered from the website in China or picked up at the roadstop for 12 dollars on the way up interstate 95 is not recommended. Find trustworthy contact dealers who have a strong reputation for cleanliness and health. You may scratch or infect your eyes by trying to take your cosplay to the next step and it's never worth damaging your eyes. Safely store them with fresh contact solution and in clean cases. Water is damaging to contacts and are not an option for storage.

Fursuits or other heavy costumes at summer conventions come with particular recommendations – get dressed at the convention, keep movement to a minimum, and have a handler. Keep water or juice on hand and make sure you have someone who's helping look after you.

When you stop for photos consider the traffic around you. Is this a good place to stop everything in a ten foot radius? Would, maybe, moving to a side area for a quick shot not only result in a better photo, but keep traffic from building up and creating a safety hazard?

Know where and when to cosplay. During the day and early evening at the convention is great. Thursday night around 11pm wandering the streets alone is not recommended. Standing in the hot line to get your badge on Friday morning is not recommended.

The number one word of costuming safety at Otakon is HYDRATION. Drink water and stay away from sugary drinks or drinks that give you a quick buzz and dehydrate you in the process. You are going to be wearing costumes that will require more energy and having to deal with the heat on top of that is very tolling on your body. Eat two square meals, snacks that are high-protein, and drink 100% juices. By taking a break and eating a snack or having a bottle of water, you can really help yourself have a better experience overall. Pocky does not a dinner make. There are many affordable food options around the convention center. Cosplay responsibly and the convention will be that much more of a better experience for you!

     (Credit goes to Jez, our Former Hall Costume Contest Coordinator for this great write up!)

Participants in Otakon or other Otakorp, Inc. events are granting their permission to be photographed or recorded by authorized Otakorp, Inc. individuals. By purchasing your membership you inherently grant Otakorp, Inc. permission to use such images or footage for archival or promotional purposes.