
We understand that getting autographs from our guests is a major highlight of the convention for many attendees, not just because it's a fantastic souvenir, but also because it's a chance for that tiny bit of face time with the guest. Guests, too, value that rare opportunity to meet some of their fans.

However, demand nearly always outweighs supply, especially for extremely popular or extremely rare guests. Even the speediest and most accommodating guest can only sign so many things in a given period of time. In order to give the greatest number of fans the opportunity to meet the guest, we MUST keep the lines moving smoothly.

Otakon's official, scheduled autographing sessions are governed by the following rules:

  • Otakon does not and cannot guarantee that you will receive an autograph from any particular guest. Otakon's official autograph sessions are free of charge to any Member. However, individual guests may participate in private or industry-sponsored appearances in the exhibit halls, and there may be fees or purchases associated with those sessions. For-fee or purchase-required autograph sessions must always take place in the Industry, Dealer, or Art halls.
  • Guests will always be glad to sign your Otakon program book, as well as any officially licensed and properly credited products. They absolutely will NOT sign bootleg or unlicensed merchandise, nor material for which they are not properly credited. At their sole discretion, they may sign handmade, personal, or otherwise unusual items. If you are uncertain about a particular item, check first! (Guests may be offended if they're presented with bootleg items.) As a last resort, check with the staffer in charge of the session. Otakon staff may veto any item as unsuitable for signing, and such decisions are final.
  • Unless a specific limit is posted for a particular guest, assume that you are limited to ONE ITEM PER PERSON.
  • There will be no flash photography during official signing sessions, unless otherwise noted.
  • There will be no photo ops during official signing sessions, unless otherwise noted.
  • Do not monopolize the guest's time if there are others waiting. (Assume that whatever you have to say must be said in 30 seconds or less, while the guest is signing your item. It's a good idea to write down what you want to say.)
  • Do not request excessive personalization, sketches, etc. unless the guest offers.
  • If you are bringing an item for the guest to sign, please have it ready for signing when you are within sight of the guest. (For CDs and DVDs, you should remove the cover insert to save time; for unusual items, please ask the autograph staff for their recommendations.)
  • Policies for specific guests may differ.

How Our Autograph Sessions Work:

  • Official line space will open up an hour before an autograph session is scheduled to begin. For those attendees who show up before the line space officially opens up, we will set up an unofficial "overflow" space that people can hang out in until the line officially opens. We will make every effort to move overflow people into the official line space when the time comes. There are no guarantees that you'll end up further up in the line because you got to the overflow space first. Your spot will be random.
  • Once the official line space fills up, we will temporarily close off the line. If you show up after a line has closed, please see the nearest autograph staffer for a ticket. These tickets will be color-coded for each particular autograph session, and will have a time written on the back (30 minutes after the start of session, 1 hour after, etc.). Please come back to the line at your specified time, and if additional line space has opened up, we will let you in. How many ticketed people we can add to the line space will vary by guest; some people sign quickly, and some guests take more time.
  • A limited number of passes for each guest may be made available during the guest's Q&A panel, specifically for those who attend the panel, but do not assume that these will be available. If getting an autograph is your priority, lining up in the Autographs area is your best bet.
  • EXPRESS PASS: In rare cases, a member (typically a prize winner) will present an "Express pass" for a particular guest. This allows the member to bypass the line entirely. Those who are lucky enough to possess one should proceed to the front of the line and speak with the staff member there.
  • When interacting with the guests, please be considerate of the guest and the attendees behind you in the line. They have often been waiting as long as you have, and deserve their chance to interact with the guest, so please do not monopolize their time. Photography may be permitted at the discretion of the guest and as time permits, please ask a nearby Autograph staffer well in advance.
  • Otakon staff reserve the right to refuse access to any member who fails to follow the rules (or attempts to circumvent them). Anyone caught in the act is subject to the disruptive behavior policy, and risks having their membership revoked.
  • If getting an autograph for a particular guest is important to you, it is highly recommended that you visit the Autographs section at your earliest opportunity and check in with a staffer there. They will be aware of any scheduling changes or policy changes, and will let you know when and where you'll want to be. There will also be an updated scheduling board set up. If the first time you arrive is right before the session is scheduled to start, you may well be disappointed by the results.

Additional Guest Autographs and Locations

Selected guests will be signing autographs at privately run booths next to the Otakon Autographs area in the Dealers Room or at tables elsewhere in the Dealers Room or Artist Alley.  These guests will not have autograph sessions listed in the Otakon schedule or the Guidebook app, but they will have greater flexibility to sign autographs whenever their respective halls are open (and they are not otherwise busy with panels, etc.)

Hall A, Guests with Artist Alley Tables:

  • Kevin Bolk (Table C117)
  • KDFoxx (Table C116)

Hall B, Guests signing at Individual Autograph booths:

  • AmaLee (Booth G4)
  • Romulo A Bernal (Booth G8)
  • Mario Castañeda (Booth G10)
  • Justin Cook (Booth G7)
  • Ricco Fajardo (Booth G2)
  • Lexi Nieto (Booth G3)
  • Colin Ryan (Booth G11)
  • Juan Felipe Sierra Cortes (Booth G9)
  • Kaho Shibuya (Booth G13)
  • Megan Shipman (Booth G5)
  • Substantial (Booth G1)
  • Natalie Van Sistine (Booth G6)
  • Bethan Walker (Booth G11)

Hall C, Guests signing at Dealer booths:

  • Kouki (Booth 1026, Chaotic Harmony Imports)
    • Kouki will also be signing after his performances in Featured Events.
  • Senanan (Booth 1026, Chaotic Harmony Imports)

Otakon staff reserve the right to make changes to guests policies as circumstances dictate. If you have a question about policy, please see the Otakon staffer in charge of the guest appearance or signing. All staff rulings are final.

Notes and Gifts for Guests

If you've brought something special for the guest, such as a personal note or small gift, we ask that you follow certain guidelines for practical and safety reasons. Most guests appreciate these small gestures, but many gifts cannot be accepted.

  • Please ensure that you provide the name of the guest, as well as your own name and contact information, either written on the outside of the message or attached clearly to the outside of the gift.
  • Please do not wrap your gift using tape or tie it using ribbon; however, a gift bag or simple tissue paper cover is acceptable. (We must be able to screen all gifts.)
  • Avoid anything large or bulky or easily damaged. Most guests fly quite a distance to appear at Otakon, and may have limited space in their luggage. Any gifts you bring should be small, durable, and easily packed.
  • No food items will be accepted.
  • If you have an item to present as a gift at any guest appearance, please bring it first to the Otakon staff member in charge of the appearance.
  • DO NOT use Q&A time to present your gift to the guest; this is extremely rude and unfair to the other people who came to hear the guest speak.
  • DO NOT use autograph time to present your gift without first clearing it with the staff member in charge, as this may deny others the opportunity to get to meet the guest.
  • You may be asked to wait until the end of the session, or the staffer may accept the gift in order to present it to the guest on your behalf. (Rest assured, your gift will be given to the guest on your behalf — that's why we request your contact information on every gift.)

Tips for Interacting With Guests:

  1. If you're going to ask a question, write it down first. It's easy to become flustered if you're not used to public speaking or if you're about to talk to someone you really admire. Writing down what you want to say helps you to organize your thoughts so you don't waste everyone's time or embarrass yourself.
  2. Every guest at the con is someone who has a cool job that they're quite good at. It isn't necessary to worship the ground they walk on — just be friendly and polite.
  3. Remember that guests get tired, too, and they're entitled to downtime. If you encounter a guest outside the con, try to make eye contact before you approach them, and look for a signal that it's okay to chat. Please don't interrupt meals or private conversations.
  4. Try to avoid asking questions that the guest has answered a hundred times. And if you come late to a panel, find out whether a question has already been answered before you waste everyone's time. Don't ask questions that are answered in the guest's bio, homepage, or Wikipedia entry.


  • Write down whatever it is you want to say.

  • Be BRIEF. (see note #1)

  • Tell them you like their work, and why. (BRIEFLY)

  • Ask interesting questions about past, current, and upcoming projects.

  • Ask open-ended questions.

  • Ask about favorite hobbies, shared interests, etc.



  • Ask them questions that are answered in their Wikipedia entry or Otakon bio.

  • Ask questions that can be answered with a Yes or No.

  • Ask for hugs, kisses, or their hand in marriage.

  • Ask for autographs or other favors.

  • Waste everyone's time.

  • Ask deeply personal or invasive question.