Registration Terms & Conditions

To register for Otakon, you must become a member of Otakorp, Inc., the non-profit educational organization that runs Otakon. (This is not a new requirement; we're just spelling it out clearly.) Membership in Otakorp, Inc. entitles you to attend Otakon, and may carry other privileges.

In order to become a member and register for the convention, you must agree to the terms and conditions spelled out in this document.

Only members of Otakorp, Inc. are eligible to attend Otakon.

Registering for Otakon means that you agree to follow all rules and regulations for the event set forth by Otakorp, Inc. This includes all standing policies of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and all laws and ordinances in effect in the city of DC. Rules and policies for the convention itself are posted to the Otakon website (, and will appear in official printed materials at the convention, including on signs. It is your responsibility to read and understand these policies, and failure to do so does not absolve you of that responsibility.

Failure to follow convention policies may result in ejection from the convention and revocation of membership.

To attend Otakon, you first pay the membership fee to register for Otakon and let us know you will be attending. Individuals associated with a registered badge may be changed up to the point the badge is activated, provided that the new individual qualifies for that badge's age range. If you choose to have your Otakon badge mailed to you, you take responsibility for bringing your badges to Otakon. If you pick up registration materials at Otakon, you will be required to provide proof of identity that matches the name associated with the registered badge. In most cases, this means a photo ID: driver's license, school ID card, military ID, Passport, etc., which must match the name on the registration. Other forms of identification may be accepted at the sole discretion of Otakon staff. Otakon staff may also verify that your identity matches your registration information at any time during the event.

If you fail to bring your registration materials to Otakon or lose them between receiving them and the end of the event, Otakorp reserves the right to charge the full membership fee for replacement registraiton materials.